Meet Our Strategy-Driven Management Team

Learn more about the experience of our executive members that lead the company to success.

About Us


Li Qing

Managing Director
China Telecom (Asia Pacific) Pte. Ltd.

Mr. Li Qing started to work at China Telecom since 1998 and is currently the Managing Director of China Telecom (Asia Pacific) Pte. Ltd. He is responsible for the regional market strategy study, product promotion, marketing, network operation and business development. He has been engaged in the telecommunications industry for 21 years and is responsible for corporate strategic management when he held office at Beijing Telecom, China Telecommunications Corporation -Global Business Department, China Telecommunications Corporation-Regional Business Development Department, Guangdong Telecom Shenzhen Branch and China Telecom Global Limited. He is familiar with China and Asia Pacific market as well as regional development, and has extensive overseas development experience and a global vision.

David Dai

Deputy Managing Director
China Telecom (Asia Pacific) Pte. Ltd.

David Dai has been a key contributor to China Telecom Corporation for over 30 years. He has been managing China Telecom’s International Network Maintenance Department since 2012, during which time he has built up a wealth of technical knowledge in network support, maintenance and IT infrastructure. 

David’s impressive resume speaks to the impact that he has ignited for companies in the finance, OTT, logistics, manufacturing and retail space. As head of China Telecom’s one-stop VIP customer service, David had a hand in setting up the CRM that continues to process thousands of requests today. David also played an instrumental role in setting up the CTG network and maintenance operations for his current department. 

Holding two Masters from Beijing Post and Communication University as well as a Masters of Business from BI University of Norway, David holds strong rein on his work philosophy – “where there’s a will, there’s a way”. He is determined to help some of the fastest growing companies in Asia Pacific to move from good to great by scaling quickly, collaboratively, and securely.

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