
ICT Solutions for the Financial Sector




Every microsecond counts. Faster data links between exchanges minimise the amount of time it takes to make a trade and increase both operational efficiency and revenues. Our vast network infrastructure built around financial centres provides the capacity and load balancing necessary for eliminating bottlenecks and increasing speed to the market.

For high-frequency traders seeking to mitigate risk across intra-China trades, China Telecom offers private line and wavelength capacity from 223 global PoPs, 700+ data centres and transmission facilities inside China, and the only direct green channel between the Shanghai and Hong Kong Exchanges that offers speed, stability and reliability that you need in daily transactions through our dedicated Express Online Trading Routes.

Full Range of Network Services Low Latency Solution
  • Fully redundant connectivity, ensuring high resilience.
  • High data security, including network firewalls.
  • Peace of mind from SLAs guarantees.
  • In-built flexibility, scaling from 2 Mbps to 10 Gbps seamlessly.
Access the power of China Telecom (Asia Pacific)’s advanced network solutions that help enable FSIs successfully compete in the digital age.

When a microsecond can make the difference

China Telecom (Asia Pacific) provides the fastest connectivity with guaranteed level of availability and resilience, making it the ideal choice for your global trading needs.


Best-in-Class Route:

To execute trades at better prices, respond accurately to incoming information and reject toxic trades quicker, FSIs have a need for speed. With China Telecom (Asia Pacific) delays are no longer an option. We help FSI enterprises like you to cut precious microseconds via best-in-class routes that connect major financial centres around the globe.
